Stopping the web interface from SSH (if it is enabled):
nvram set httpd_enable=0
nvram set http_enable=0
killall httpd
Starting the web interface and setting the parameters (the long and safer version):
nvram set remote_management=1
nvram set http_wanport=8080
( 默认是8080, 但是在大陆电信一般都封锁了家庭宽带的80/1080/8080这些端口, 自己换个2222之类的就好, 不然到时远程测试怎么都连不上, 还以为哪里出问题, 最后才发现电信block掉了, 折腾)
nvram set httpsd_enable=1
nvram set https_enable=1
nvram set remote_mgt_https=1
nvram commit
So now just point your browser to https://your_public_ip:8080.
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