因为cloudflare有免费的CDN加速,所以很早就把域名解析过去了,但是看了看官方好像没有提供DNS 301跳转的选项,但是有类似的解决方案,参考这个链接:
Forwarding examples: Example forwarding to Google+: Imagine you have a Google+ profile and you want to make it easy for anyone coming to get to simply by going to a URL like: *www.example.com/+ *example.com/+ This pattern will match: http://example.com/+ http://www.example.com/+ https://www.example.com/+ https://blog.example.com/+ https://www.blog.example.com/+ Etc... It will not match: http://www.example.com/blog/+ [extra directory before the +] http://www.example.com+ [no trailing slash]
因为自己是从mlife.work跳转到blog.myds.cloud,所以就需要在Page Rules选项里面添加一条跳转记录,如下图: